Your cries seem to get louder each and every day…cries of desperation and cries of frustration. The lives of children are being threatened at school on a daily basis, as well as on the streets of our communities, women, men, and children are trying to comprehend and gain understanding of what and why are we seemingly facing loss of life on a daily basis in mass proportion, rather than promoting life. Diseases, emotional instability, lack of direction, and destruction of self and others seem to be the norm, rather than the exception.
The past few years have been difficult times for many of you and your family members. Each and every day you have been faced with one major catastrophe after another within our country. Sadly, many of these catastrophes are related to multiple losses of lives due to gun violence. President Barack Obama has had to appear before the nation and the world at least sixteen (16) times during his seven-year tenure, with the same cries of desperation, exasperation, frustration, and seeming sense of helplessness about the continuous acts of gun violence in our country.
October is breast cancer awareness month, as well as domestic violence awareness month. I know as you are reading this blog, you can think of more than one relative, friend, co-worker, or even yourself, who has had to face breast cancer and/or domestic violence. In all actuality, either of these experiences can serve as killers of women. Each and everyday, too many women are faced with breast cancer and many more are faced with domestic violence. In essence,women are fighting for their lives. However, those women facing breast cancer or those women who have survived breast cancer are in a daily battle of winning their fight for life. They didn’t cause their unfortunate experience and cannot control it. Women facing domestic violence, in many cases cannot control and did not ask for the violence acted upon them. They, too, are fighting on a daily basis for life and not death.
Sadly, as women fight to win life over death when it comes to breast cancer and domestic violence, our country is constantly thrown into a tailspin of controllable incidents of violence and death being raised up against them. Even though many of these incidents of violence and death do not directly impact these women, there is an indirect impact, which does add to their levels of stress and anxiety. After all, they are human. And when children and families are hurt, no matter where they are, the average woman is impacted and feels the pain.
There have been forty-five…yes 45-school shootings in our country in 2015. The mass shooing rate has tripled from one every two hundred (200) days, between September 1982 and September 2011, to one every sixty-four (64) days, between September 2011 and September 2014. Guns in America have killed over eight thousand (8,000) people in 2015 alone. There have been one hundred forty-two (142) school shootings since the Sandy Hooks shooting in 2012, with forty-five (45) school shootings in 2015, (Harvard School of Public Health & Northeastern University Professors).
It is past time in our society for us to demand that women, men, girls, and boys are given a chance at life. It is time for each of you to decide to become proactive by demanding that a cure for breast cancer is found, that women are made safe from domestic violence, and that gun control becomes the rule and not the exception. Each of you must decide to do all in your power to demand that the political pundits begin to stand for something by demanding the lives of women, men, girls, boys, and families are protected! And that they stop falling for the same lame excuses as they have in the past!
As women are faced with breast cancer and domestic violence, they most certainly don’t need anything else to have to fight against. They are already in the fight of their life, for life! I implore each of you to support your mother, your wife, your sister, your aunt, your friend, and your co-worker, as she battles breast cancer and/or domestic violence. In that same vein, I implore you to demand more funds for treatment and a cure for breast cancer, support for survivors, treatment and help for domestic violence survivors, funds for mental health treatment, as well as legislation and funds for gun control.
The situation almost seems hopeless. However, I would like to encourage you to never lose your faith and never lose your hope. I know that many of you have wondered, “When will it all end?” This is the million-dollar question, which no one seems to have an answer for. The problem is not having an answer to the loss of lives due to guns, it’s having people in powerful positions, with money and control, who are so arrogant and haughty that they choose to not make the necessary changes for legislation to put forth gun control, which is the real issue related to gun violence in this country.
We ask why there is no cure for breast cancer with all the money that has been raised, why incidents of domestic violence have increased and become more deadly, and why gun violence has exacerbated? It’s all about the almighty dollar! If breast cancer is cured, domestic violence is all but eliminated, and there is gun control, those making money and getting rich from these deadly societal ills will drastically cut their earning potential. This is a topic no one really wants to talk about! Although they make money off of the deaths of women, men, children, and families in general, they never take time to look at the back of the money they receive, which simply states, “IN GOD WE TRUST.”
The statement, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” is a reminder as to whom we must turn to, in order to help us to find a cure and relief for ALL of these deadly issues, by helping us to win the fight for life, and not succumb to death. When prayer was taken out of our schools and out of society in general, you began to see the downward spiral of lawlessness, ruthlessness, and an increase in violence and diseases. Where God doesn’t exist, pain and violence tend to exist. But, hold on; God is STILL in control!
You are probably asking, “What can I do?” Join Dr. Joyce on her campaign of“Winning the Fight for Life.” In this quest to win the fight for life, it is imperative that you become aware, informed, and active. Get with your neighbors, friends, family members, and colleagues to develop strategies to combat these major ills in our society. You must develop and engage in strategic conversations, as well as brave political movements of consciousness, awareness, and action to address these issues. You must also demand that politicians stop using mental health disorders as the primary excuse for gun violence, while recognizing that mental health disorders are real and must be treated as such. It is time to recognize that persons facing mental health disorders are not necessarily the catalyst for murders and violence. However, when guns are in the wrong hands, violence will occur, whether they have a mental disorder or not.
As you and your family weep for loved ones facing breast cancer and/or domestic violence, you shouldn’t have to add additional tears and weep for the loss of loved ones due to gun violence. Let’s affirm today that you will dry your tears, weep no more, continue to PRAY, keep looking up, and take a stand for life! You have decided today to join Dr. Joyce in “Winning the Fight for Life, By Not Succumbing to Death!”
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
©2015; J.Morley Productions, Inc.; P.O. Box 1745, Decatur, GA 30031;; 770-808-6570
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