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Are you ready for the latest episode of SNAPPED: Behind Bars? We are! We invite you to grab your popcorn and your favorite blanket to watch Dr. Morley on Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 7:00 pm EDT for an episode you don’t want to miss. And if you miss it, don’t fret! The episode will re-air at 10:00pm EDT.

This new series of Snapped: Behind Bars, takes viewers behind prison walls to meet the convicted murderers featured on SNAPPED, who are now willing to discuss their case.

This episode features the story of Tausha Morton, who sits down to clarify what led to her ex-husband’s death; she speaks out against the triggerman, alleging that there was never a murder conspiracy; she discusses how she feels being behind bars for life.

Don’t forget to help us spread the word on social media and if you can’t catch the episode at 7:00 PM EST, it will be re-aired at 10:00 pm.