About Dr. Joyce Morley

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So far Dr. Joyce Morley has created 84 blog entries.

If I Don’t Take You On I Won’t Have to Worry About How to Leave You Alone!

I am sure that there are times when you have wondered why your relationships seem to constantly fail. The question is, are they true relationships or are you continuously entering into situations? And then there are times when you have asked yourself why you don’t seem to be able to find [...]

If I Don’t Take You On I Won’t Have to Worry About How to Leave You Alone!2019-03-23T12:14:13-04:00

Small Love Rituals to Keep Your Love Fire Burning

It has long been a ritual in America and other countries for lovers, almost lovers, want to be lovers, and sometimes used-to-be lovers to profess their feelings for and to one another on Valentine’s Day.  These rituals of professing one’s love and affection often include giving something to each other, such as [...]

Small Love Rituals to Keep Your Love Fire Burning2019-03-23T12:17:45-04:00

There is No Victory Without Your Vote

Many of you are probably suffering from campaign fear, campaign anxiety, and campaign trauma, as a result of the negative, mud slinging, and probably because of one of the most unconventional presidential campaigns in the history of our country. This presidential campaign has been fraught with disrespect for race, women, children, [...]

There is No Victory Without Your Vote2019-03-23T12:31:54-04:00

Children Need Hope Too

Back in the day (as the current millenniums would call it), children were often told, “children should be seen and not heard.” However, in 2016, it’s a different story. Not only should children be seen, they must be heard. You must not only see where your children are and where they [...]

Children Need Hope Too2019-03-23T12:33:55-04:00

Ensuring Healthy Family Gatherings: Helping In-Laws & Mothers-In-Law Recognize Their Place

Holidays are generally a time to encourage family gatherings and family celebrations. Family doesn’t just mean those connected by the same bloodline, but also includes those who are related by marriage and some not related at all, except by a fondness for each other. Those related by marriage are considered in-laws, [...]

Ensuring Healthy Family Gatherings: Helping In-Laws & Mothers-In-Law Recognize Their Place2019-03-23T12:35:28-04:00

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: Either You Stand for Something or You Will Fall for ANYTHING!

All too often within our communities and within our neighborhoods, we have gotten away from the essence of being neighborly, sharing, and caring. There is so much going on around us, to the point that trust has become the exception, rather than the rule. Anything seems to go at anytime. Things [...]

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: Either You Stand for Something or You Will Fall for ANYTHING!2019-03-23T12:39:46-04:00

Love is the Action Necessary for a Freedom-Centered Mindset

Every July 4th in America, we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which took place on July 4, 1776. However, although we celebrate our independence as a country, with the threats and the influx of violence and other harm this country has faced, I know that many of you don’t truly feel free. [...]

Love is the Action Necessary for a Freedom-Centered Mindset2019-03-23T12:42:02-04:00


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    Decatur, GA, 30031

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