About Dr. Joyce Morley

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So far Dr. Joyce Morley has created 84 blog entries.

Who Taught Him? Boys Need Guidance & Direction Too!

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, whether biological or surrogate! It is always great to be recognized for a role that many times doesn’t come with a set of directions or a guidebook of instructions. And often, the role bears no points and little recognition for success. Except in the court [...]

Who Taught Him? Boys Need Guidance & Direction Too!2019-03-23T12:44:15-04:00

Not Speaking to Your Mother Won’t Solve the Problem

Mother’s Day is a celebration of and for women, whether they are biological mothers, surrogate mothers, or women taking a stand and a stance for mothers! Mothers are just like spring flowers; they grow and they blossom! For some reason, we think girls are born mothers, but they aren’t. No matter [...]

Not Speaking to Your Mother Won’t Solve the Problem2019-03-23T12:48:20-04:00

When People Tell You & Show You Who They Are, Believe Them!

This blog is dedicated in memory of twenty-two year-old Jana Watson, high school best friend of my granddaughter, Gabrielle Moore. Jana lost her life to gun violence two weeks ago. Although gone from the physical presence of this earth, her spirit lives forever within our hearts! We love you Jana! Too [...]

When People Tell You & Show You Who They Are, Believe Them!2019-03-23T12:51:03-04:00

Not Putting Up with Your Mess Doesn’t Mean Loving You Any Less

Happy Valentine’s ‘YEAR’ to those of you who dare to love, those of you who are in love, those of you who had love and lost love, those of you who accept love, and those of you who are still looking for love! If you have not been targeted by Cupid’s [...]

Not Putting Up with Your Mess Doesn’t Mean Loving You Any Less2019-03-24T01:11:55-04:00

The New Year is Time for You to Finally Finish What You Started in the Old Year

In memory of Natalie Cole, one of my favorite female singers. Against all odds, she never gave up. She finished what she started!! Happy 2016! You made it to a brand New Year! Unfortunately, there were many of our friends and relatives who did not cross over into the New Year. [...]

The New Year is Time for You to Finally Finish What You Started in the Old Year2019-03-24T01:13:43-04:00

Being Let Down & Being Let Go During the Holidays Doesn’t Mean Giving Up

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of love, merriment, good cheer, good tidings, sharing, giving, and above all compassion. It is one of my most favorite times of the year. The colorful decorations, the bright Christmas lights, the Christmas carolers, the holiday parties, the hustle and bustle of [...]

Being Let Down & Being Let Go During the Holidays Doesn’t Mean Giving Up2019-03-24T01:16:53-04:00

Allowing Truth to Reign Over the Lies & Pain in Your Life

It is interesting how many people would rather hear and accept a lie, rather than hear and accept the truth. Like you, most people don’t wan to hear the truth, let alone face the truth. To some, facing the truth is like undergoing a test. And you have determined in your mind, [...]

Allowing Truth to Reign Over the Lies & Pain in Your Life2019-03-24T01:20:38-04:00

Winning the Fight for Life: Not Succumbing to Death

Your cries seem to get louder each and every day...cries of desperation and cries of frustration. The lives of children are being threatened at school on a daily basis, as well as on the streets of our communities, women, men, and children are trying to comprehend and gain understanding of what [...]

Winning the Fight for Life: Not Succumbing to Death2019-03-24T01:23:21-04:00


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    Decatur, GA, 30031

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