Payment and Refund Policy*(Workshops, Seminars, and Trainings)
Payment may in advance by mail, online, or at the door by certified check, credit card, or cash. Cancellations with refunds are as follows: thirty days or more prior to events, full refund, minus a twenty percent (20%) cancellation/handling fee; fourteen-thirty days prior to event, seventy-five percent (75%) refund, minus a twenty-five percent (25%) cancellation/handling fee; eight to thirteen days prior to event, fifty percent (50%) refund, minus a fifty percent(50%) cancellation/handling fee; zero to seven days prior to workshop, no (0%) refund. In order to receive contact hours, participants must sign in at the beginning of each event and sign out at the end of each event.
There is a $10.00 fee to cover the cost of the contact hours certificate. This fee may be paid in advance of at the door.
All Payments Should be Addressed to: Morley & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1745 Decatur, GA 30031
Any questions, comments, concerns, and/or complaints, please contact Morley & Associates, Inc. at 770-808-6570 or www.doctorjoyce.com.