Morley & Associates, Inc. (M&A, Inc.) has served the personal & professional needs of individuals, groups, professionals, executives, businesses, organizations & family systems locally, nationally & globally for over twenty-five years. Dr. Joyce Morley is the President & CEO of Morley & Associates, Inc. & leads a team of brilliant & talented individuals within the organization. Along with Dr. Morley, the Associates of Morley & Associates, Inc. serve as coaches, trainers, strategic planners, speakers, therapists, educators & assessors. All services are confidential.
Organizational Development & Strategic Planning services include a thorough assessment of the current and future needs and direction of the group, business, organization, or family. A SWOT analysis is executed to allow the group, business, organization, or family to gain the awareness, insight, and understanding necessary to develop and implement a strategic plan that includes the changes necessary to move them to next levels of growth, development, and success, while developing established mechanisms for informed change when and where needed.
Organizational Development & Strategic Planning services provided by Morley & Associates, Inc. further allow for the identification, development, establishment, and implementation of realistic, attainable, and measurable goals and objectives, as well as a plan of action consistent with the mission, vision, and values of the group, business, institution, organization, or family. Morley & Associates, Inc. also provides a base & basis from which progress and programs can be measured. As a result of the Organizational Development & Strategic Planning process, a much clearer focus and forecast of and about the group, business, organization, or family is actualized, while producing directions and formulas for more efficiency and effectiveness. Opportunities, processes, procedures, and prescriptions for accessing, developing, and retaining formidable and successful relationships and partnerships are highlighted during the Organizational & Strategic Planning process. The process allows members of the group, business, institution, organization, or family to develop a sense of ownership of the plan, while allowing for the most effective use of organizational resources, focusing on key priorities, as well as identified and implemented action steps.
Partnership Development & Management services encompass Morley & Associates, Inc. working with the executive, business, and organization to examine, identify, engage, secure, manage, and maintain applicable, appropriate, viable, and sustainable relationships and partnerships, based on the identified mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. Partnerships are developed based on identified needs and resources, as well as identified, anticipated, and expected outcomes of and for the executive, business, or organization.
Coaching services are provided in a confidential environment for individuals, executives, and groups. For Morley & Associates, Inc., the coaching relationship is a partnership between the Coach and Coachee(s), in which the Coach guides Coachees through a journey of self-awareness, self-insight, and self-understanding, facilitating positive self-growth and development. The coaching journey includes a process of self-evaluation and self-assessment, which includes the use of written assessment instruments, as well as a 360 process. The coaching process allows Coachees to discover new possibilities as well as new opportunities, while being challenged with what is, (present) and encouraged to engage in visualizations of what can become (future). Moving Coachees from a position of present-focus to future visualization and actualization is a major component of the coaching process.
With the assistance of the Coach, Coachees will develop realistic, attainable and measurable goals with timelines. The coaching process will help Coachees to determine where they are personally & professionally, as well as where they want to be, personally and professionally. Personal & professional barriers that seem to inhibit, limit, or prohibit personal and professional growth and success are challenged and eliminated. With assistance from the Coach, Coachees will explore and discover their strengths, development areas, skills, and abilities; develop & maintain a commitment to self-growth, and take the necessary actions to achieve their goals. Morley & Associates, Inc. is also certified by the national Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) to provide training for professionals interested in becoming national Board Certified Coaches (BCC).
The Staff Development & Team Building services are provided for businesses & organizations, either onsite or at an agreed location. Team Building services are also provided for small groups & families. Four Core Competencies constitute the basis of this service. They include: Communication, Cooperation & Collaboration, Increased Knowledge Base & Accountability. Staff Development & Team Building involves participants engaging in a process of self-assessment as it relates to the needs of the group or organization, as well as a process of self-assessment as it relates to team membership. The service also involves helping participants to gain knowledge on how to develop a winning attitude for effective work & team success. Learning how to effectively network & gain necessary information for successfully working with others, professionally & personally are essential aspects of the Staff Development & Team Building services. Specifics on how to effectively manage difficult team members, as well as positive approaches to working with employees & direct reports are also provided. Gaining skills & tools to effectively lead diverse teams is an essential component of this service.
Psychotherapy services are provided in a confidential environment, fostering total growth through awareness, insight, and understanding. Morley & Associates, Inc. guides individuals, couples, groups, families, businesses, organizations, and other systems from an intrapersonal perspective to an interpersonal perspective. A personal & in-depth approach to growth and development from a holistic perspective is provided. Clients are guided through a journey of self-assessment, which helps them to confront and learn to manage their emotional, psychological, and spiritual concerns.
Clients will confront and learn to manage their fears, traumas, and other current & past negative experiences in the here-and- now, in order to discover and express their inner peace and inner happiness. The psychotherapy process includes developing written, realistic, attainable, and measurable goals with timelines and action steps, Further, clients will engage in developing healthy coping skills, effective communication skills, and positive approaches for managing life’s difficulties. They will gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to learn to help themselves. Professional services are tailored to meet the need(s) of individuals, couples, groups, families, businesses, and organizations served. Homework assignments and other activities are also included as a part of the psychotherapy process.
Dr. Joyce Morley of Morley & Associates Inc. is certified by the American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT) as an Approved Supervisor to provide clinical supervision for those seeking to become licensed marriage & family therapists or supervisors in the field of marriage & family therapy. The organization is also certified to provide clinical supervision for those desiring to become licensed professional counselors.
Morley & Associates, Inc. develops and delivers Keynote and Motivational speeches, based on the need(s) of the group, organization, institution, or family being served. Each Keynote or Motivational speech is developed, written, and delivered to fit the theme, subject matter, and need(s) of the requestor(s). Speeches are provided on various topics covering an array of subject areas. All speeches are informative, educational, inspiring, dynamic, goal-oriented, motivational, and highly interactive.
Morley & Associates, Inc. provides TV, radio and on-site program and show hosting, as well as expert TV/Radio appearances, talent engagement, and documentary and docuseries engagements, focusing on various topics and current events. Expert newspaper and magazine interviews and contributions, contributions to columns, as well as TV news broadcasts and other show appearances are also available.

Morley & Associates, Inc., plans, develops, and presents workshops/seminars and programs based on the need(s) of the group, business, organization, or institution being served. A list of suggested workshop/seminar topics, along with a brief description of each topic is outlined below. The described workshops/seminars are only a few of those offered by Morley & Associates, Inc. All workshops/seminars are developed with the group, business, organization, or institution in mind. All presentations are informative, educational, insightful, dynamic, motivating, impactful, goal-oriented, and highly interactive.
*Morley & Associates, Inc. is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
Participants will engage in a process of self-assessment and self-awareness to highlight the role their values, beliefs, and attitudes play in providing effective communication with others, especially in the workplace. The identification of positive verbal and nonverbal communication tools will allow participants practical approaches to engaging in healthy interpersonal relationships, in and out of the workplace. Participants will identify their strengths and weaknesses through role-play and small group processing. The workshop/seminar will include engagement in self, team, and group assessments, roles identification and clarification, and identification of indicators of professional and personal conflict within the workplace for each participant. Conflict management techniques, effective communication techniques, as well as effective negotiation skills in the workplace will also be discussed and developed.
Participants will learn how to effectively engage in and apply the “Art of Active Listening” during the process of interacting and communicating with others. This workshop/seminar focuses on the skill of active listening as a cumulative process, which begins with the acquisition of self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and strong intra-personal relations. Participants will explore practical and diverse approaches of applying the skill of active listening to everyday life situations. They will also explore the importance of healthy and effective verbal and nonverbal communication during the process of effective communication. They will also explore and practice effective conflict management, while strengthening interpersonal relations, both professionally and personally. Participants will also explore the challenges they face when attempting to communicate with diverse populations.
The primary purpose of the “Coaching for Leaders” Training Program, is to utilize a comprehensive virtual Coaching Curriculum based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), as a framework for training qualified professionals in the field of Coaching. The training program will allow participants to gain the necessary competencies, knowledge, skills, tools, expertise, and best practices to become effective board-certified Executive, Leadership, Life, or Relationship Coaches. Further, the “Coaching for Leaders” Training Program is designed to prepare participants with the necessary competencies to achieve coaching certification, enhancing their credibility in the coaching field.
Participants will begin this workshop/seminar by engaging in processes of self-evaluation and self-awareness in order to highlight the role one’s values, beliefs, and attitudes play in providing effective service to and for others. Participants will explore the importance of strong intra-personal and strong interpersonal relations in the process of providing effective customer service. The terms ‘customer service’ and ‘difficult customers’ will be defined. The identification of positive verbal and nonverbal communication practices will also be explored, allowing participants to gain practical approaches to providing effective customer service. Through role-play and small group activities, participants will identify their strengths and development areas as they relate to working with others. Identification and clarification of professional and personal fears and triggers of conflict will also be identified, explored, and confronted. Conflict management techniques will be explored and developed, as participants develop their individual personal written plan of action for effectively working with difficult customers.
Participants will engage in processes of self-assessment and self-awareness to facilitate an understanding of the effects their values, beliefs, and attitudes have in providing effective customer service. They will explore the importance of strong intrapersonal and strong interpersonal relations in the process of providing effective customer service. The collaborative nature of the skill of helping will be explored, together with identification of specific skills and tools necessary to make customer service a win-win process. The challenges of working with customers and anecdotes for managing conflict will be explored through role-play and small group activities. Each participant will customize his/her individual and specific plan and approach to providing effective customer service.
Participants will explore the effects of intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships in the process of building and maintaining strong, healthy, and effective teams. They will engage in individual self-evaluation activities, while exploring the role of self in working as a member of a team. The impacts and effects of negative, as well as positive communication within teams will also be explored. Participants will gain and practice using effective tools that are necessary for effective team building. They will identify their individual roles within teams, as well as explore, understand, and practice effective team collaboration and cooperation. Specific approaches to recognizing and confronting challenges and barriers to the positive growth and development of healthy teams will also be explored through role-play and small group activities.
Participants will define success, as well as explore ingredients and steps necessary for one to feel successful, look successful, and actually assume a successful role in life. They will explore and assess the impacts and effects of performance in determining success. They will also explore and practice behaviors of positive thinking, positive beliefs, positive self-esteem, positive speaking, and positive attitudes in attaining levels of success. Participants will engage in completing self-assessment tools, as well as goal-setting activities. They will learn to recognize and focus on their strengths, while recognizing their development areas. They will also engage in boundary setting and action planning for upward mobility, while gaining awareness, insight, and understanding of the role performance plays in the success of their life endeavors. Participants will identify, document, and practice specific behaviors that can and will allow them to profit on their roles, responsibilities, and ultimately their life performances.
Participants will evaluate their personal and professional perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes, and challenges regarding persons from diverse backgrounds, diverse cultures, and diverse populations. They will learn to confront their own fears and prejudices toward others in a nonjudgmental, non-threatening, and safe environment. They will also begin the process of learning to respect the differences within individuals and groups, or further enhance their current level of respect for individuals and groups. They will also begin to develop a multicultural and diverse perspective when interacting and working with persons who are different from them in various aspects. Participants will also explore and develop practical, appropriate, and positive approaches necessary for them to achieve cultural competence, cultural respect, and cultural acceptance, both personally and professionally.
Participants will engage in activities to help them to identify and define their leadership style. They will gain practical approaches to utilizing identified skills associated with their particular leadership style. Participants will also engage in activities to help them to discern the difference between leadership and management. Various leadership and other assessment instruments will be administered to help participants to gain a clearer understanding of their leadership strengths and development areas, while taking a realistic look at the role self plays in the leadership development and implementation process. Leadership scenarios and critical incidences will be introduced. Participants will also engage in role-play situations.
This workshop/seminar will afford participants the opportunity to gain new and effective skills and tools, while sharpening usable and effective old skills, in order to bring about realistic and consistent time management behaviors on a daily basis. Participants will enhance their self-knowledge, explore their strengths and weaknesses, and empower themselves to take full responsibility and control for their personal and professional lives. They will explore and gain practical approaches to work/life management, work/life balance, as well as life direction and life order. Participants will also have the opportunity to establish clear and consistent boundaries as they define their life direction in the here and now, learning how to live for today, in preparation for tomorrow, taking life in small chunks, instead of big hunks.
Participants will define the concept of relationships from their personal perspectives and experiences, as they explore the process and ingredients necessary for developing, building, and maintaining positive and healthy relationships. They will engage in a process of self-exploration, self-evaluation, and self-assessment, as they relate to developing and maintaining long-lasting healthy and positive relationships. Participants will explore the impact, affects, and effects of attributing roles and characteristics to others, prior to and during the relationship building process. They will also evaluate, explore, and develop effective approaches to communicating with others, while exploring specific causes of conflict within relationships. Participants will develop positive and effective approaches to managing conflict, as well as developing their personal plan for identifying, securing, and maintaining healthy and positive relationships.
Participants will define and identify the characteristics associated with children labeled as at-risk. They will define and clarify the roles of educators, parents, and families in working with children. They will also explore the effects of culture, societal beliefs, societal implications, social, economics, poverty, and personal expectations in working with at-risk youth. They will also develop effective communication skills for working with all youth, while gaining practical approaches to working positively, collaboratively, and effectively with at-risk youth, their families, and community stakeholders from a village perspective. Participants will also develop practical approaches to conflict management and explore home, school, and community partnerships in working with youth.
Participants will engage in a process of self-assessment and self-exploration as they relate to personal and professional change. They will explore the importance of effective communication within the work environment, especially in the midst of workplace transitions, whether voluntary or involuntary, anticipated, or unanticipated. They will explore, discover, and develop skills and tools for coping with change in the workplace, while experiencing personal and professional growth and development. Participants will explore the emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual, and financial impacts often associated with workplace transitions. They will also engage in developing and setting realistic, attainable, and measurable goals in preparation for moving forward after experiencing workplace transitions. They will develop a written action plan in order to confront possible barriers and challenges associated with moving forward during and after workplace transitions, while forging pathways of continued personal and professional success.
Nondiscrimination Clause
It is the policy of the Morley & Associates, Inc. not to discriminate in its policies and practices with respect to compensation, terms, or conditions of employment, training, or any other services, because of an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, height, weight, marital status, political belief, genetic information, disability or handicap (under ADA), which does not impair an individual’s ability to perform adequately in that individual’s particular position, activity or participation. Any inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy should be addressed to: Morley & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1745 Decatur, GA 30031